What is self-care for entrepreneurial women?

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You may have heard the term self-care before. Now with the stress of the pandemic, the notion of self-care is becoming more popular.

We’re here to share what it is and how to get started on self-care - even if you’re a busy entrepreneurial woman.

If you’re like many self-employed women - after work and paying the bills and cleaning the house and taking care of kids and dogs and plants…there may not be a lot left in the tank to take care of you.

Also called self-love or reparenting, self-care is the intentional actions you take to benefit your health and wellbeing.

The benefits of self-care may seem obvious, but for self-employed women with full schedules, it can be hard to add another “must-do” to the list; so here are a few reasons why self-care is not just a good idea, it’s critical for your personal and professional success.

  1. Keeps you from getting sick: Without enough rest and fuel, even the best performers break down. And when you’re sick, you’re no good to anyone. Time off work, hobbies and more may actually be greater than preventative self-care.

  2. Better mood: When you’re taking good care of yourself, anxiety, irritation and depression may all be lessened.

  3. Better productivity: When you’re at your best, you can perform at your best.

Self Care For Beginners:

If you’re new to this self-care thing, just start with the basics:

  1. Get enough sleep. 7-9 hours is the recommended amount of sleep. For best results, reduce screen time and hour or two before bed, and reduce caffeine in the afternoons and evenings.

  2. Drink enough water. As the internet says, we’re basically houseplants with more complicated emotions. Drinking enough water improves skin, digestive system and clarity of thought, among other things. Aim for 2-3 litres of water a day.

  3. Eat regular/ balanced meals: Only you can tell what’s best for your body, but it’s a good idea to get enough protein, fat and carbohydrates at regular intervals. Try to reduce processed foods and sugars as well.

Now that your body is taken care of, here are a few things you can do for your mental and emotional wellbeing:

  1. Notice how you feel… when you are around certain people, situations and stimuli. Reduce interactions that make you feel heavy, depressed or guilty. Increase the time you spend on things that make you feel good.

  2. Block out time for yourself… whether it’s taking a long hot bath, hitting the gym or tackling your budget, making time for yourself is critical for a happy, healthy, you.

  3. Be ruthless with your time… What you’re saying yes to should ideally benefit your goals and wellbeing in some way. While it’s important to build relationships, the most important relationship you have is with yourself. Don’t short-change it.

  4. Set boundaries…These are guidelines for interactions with others, or the limits we set for others which are physical, emotional, mental, psychological and even sexual.

  5. Practice Joy…Often left in childhood, the benefits of fun, laughter and joy are underrated. Whether it’s watching standup comedy, learning a new hobby or playing with children and animals, joy can be a powerful antidote to stress.

Now that you have a few basics, why not consider what else brings you joy, happiness, peace and wellbeing? These could all be self-care as well. While much of the time self-care can be thought of as spa-days and hot baths, self-care is also having hard conversations, standing in your personal truth and integrity and taking care of things like your finances and medical checkups.

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